SUCCESS DISCOVERY Career Insights Program


Contemporary reality proves that the most successful people are those who understand themselves, both their strengths and weaknesses, so they can develop strategies to meet the demands of their environment.

Today’s workplace is in constant change and careers are evolving to keep pace. It became a common practice for people to change their careers several times during their working lives. Furthermore, research indicates that over 50% of working people hold jobs that do not utilize their natural talents, so they are neither fully motivated nor satisfied with their work.

As a result, it becomes more important than ever for people to be prepared to make informed career decisions based on a solid understanding of their own behavioral styles and natural talents. With increased understanding of the talents you bring to the workplace, you can maximize your ability to succeed and achieve career satisfaction.

Career Insights Program includes personalized assessment with a detailed report generated along with professional support from a Leadership Coach.


The Program is designed to help you plan career decisions and move forward with those changes. It will clarify job expectations, uncover the sources of stress experienced in past or present positions, and analyze your perception of the ideal job.


You will benefit from the Program, if you:

  • Want to choose a career path that is right for you
  • Want to improve your performance and increase satisfaction from your job  
  • Want to take your career to the next level
  • Want to enhance your communication and negotiation skills
  • Results

    As a result of the Program you will:

  • Get insight in what helps you and what hinders you in achieving your professional goals
  • Reveal your potential, hidden talents and skills, your strengths and limitations
  • Get a description of ideal work environment for you and how it correlates with the current one
  • Discover new career advancement opportunities
  • Come up with new ideas on jobs that can provide a suitable match to your natural style
  • Find new ways or words to use when talking about yourself on interview or during your annual review process
  • Enhance communication, improve performance and increase satisfaction from your job
  • Method

    Automated online assessment, coaching sessions (in person or via Skype)

    What's included *

  • Personal TTI Career Planning Insights® Report or Personal TTI Talent Insights® Report (includes: DISC® behavioural assessment and Driving Forces™ assessment)
  • Professional Consultation in a form of coaching sessions (two sessions, one hour each)
  • The Program Outline

    1. You receive a web link to a questionnaire. It will take about 20 minutes to fill it in.

    2. The Report (pdf and hard copy) will be provided to you at the first coaching session.

    3. Two one-on-one coaching sessions:

  • Analyzing you Report: understanding your work and communication style, your strengths and potential limitations, your needs which must be met in order for you to perform at an optimum level, current and “ideal” job requirements
  • Creating your Individual Career Planning Roadmap based on your career goals and assessment results
  • * - Subject to customization based on the objectives set and developmental needs

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