Open Training Programs TRAINING PROGRAMS Here at RElive Coaching, we offer highly interactive live training programs with personalized assessments, case studies, group and individual exercises, role playing, and facilitated discussions. The design of our Training Programs is perfectly suited for quick, high-impact learning and positive change in the personal or professional life of an individual or group of individuals. We offer Training Programs in the following areas: Personal Development Grow Self-Confidence – Change Your Life One-day Training plus two Masterminds. Find out more details ... From Dreamer To Achiever: Your Roadmap To Success One-day Training plus two Masterminds. Find out more details ... Communication and Leadership DISC Behavioral Styles The Art and Science of Influence Winning Presentations: Engage and Get a Result I am interested, or I have questions Please fill the following: (* - required field) Your Name (*): Your E-mail address (*): Your Telephone: Your Comment: After Submit close the Enquiry!